Shuchi Saraswat is a writer and editor based in Boston. Her essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Ploughshares, Orion, Michigan Quarterly Review, AGNI, Ecotone, Tin House and elsewhere, and she writes about art and trees for the quarterly magazine Arnoldia: The Nature of Trees. Her essay “The Journey Home” received a special mention in Pushcart XLII 2018 and is anthologized in Trespass: Ecotone Essayists Beyond the Boundaries of Place, Identity, and Feminism, published by Lookout Books (2019). Her fiction has received support from The Speculative Literature Foundation, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Art Omi, The Writers’ Room of Boston, Tin House Summer Writers’ Workshop, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.
Shuchi Saraswat
Shuchi Saraswat